MicroSomal Toxin Binder From Global Healing - Detox Support - 2 Fl Oz
Advanced Cleanse Support
MicroSomal Toxin Binder from Global Healing helps detox heavy metals and other chemicals found in our enviroment that are a constant to our health. Our premium MicroSomal Toxin Binder formula provides a remarkable level of protection against these unwanted toxins. It supports the body's natural ability to attract, bind, and cleanse heavy metals and chemicals, effectively reducing your exposure to their harmful effects.
Additionally this potent blend of nine detoxifying ingredients can help you achieve Peak Natural Health by raising your energy levels, boosting your mental clarity, and enhancing your overall well-being. This detoxifying blend is formulated with our proprietary Raw Herbal Extract™ technology to preserve the plant's essence, creating a potent, bioavailable liquid extract without heat, alcohol, or harsh chemicals.
Who's it For?
Anyone who wants to detox heavy metals and chemicals.
Suggested Application:
Shake bottle well. Take 1 ml, hold in mouth for 15 seconds, then swallow.
Use twice daily or as recommended by your healthcare provider.
Best taken on an empty stomach (at least 2 hours before or after a meal).